Evolutility.org 4.1

Meta-model elements

To build applications with Evolutility the minimal set of required elements in the metadata are: one form, one data, several panel, and many field. This is enough to describes a simple CRUD (Create, Read, Update, Delete) application including all the necessary web forms for searching, viewing, editing, deleting and exporting the data in a DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself) way.

form element

form is the root element. It doesn’t represent one single web form, but all necessary web forms (Edit, View, List, Search, Advanced Search, Export) at once. Fields are displayed or not on each web form based on the attributes search, searchlist, and searchadv.

The form element contains one element data and one or more elements panel.

It has the optional attributes label, description and version, and the required namespace xmlns.
Example: <form xmlns="http://www.evolutility.com" label="To do list" >

data element

The data element specifies the set of database objects used by the component: driving table, stored procedures; and the icon and screen name associated.

Name of the database column containing the item icon file name. 
Example: dbcolumnicon="icon"

Database column used as record identifiyer for the user (not the primary key). 
Example: dbcolumnlead="LASTNAME"

Name of the primary key column used as record identifiyer. 
Example: dbcolumnpk="ID"

In multiple-users environment, specify the column name of the “who is column” designing the specific user author of the record. Default is UserID.

<for future enhancements>

Page name for the user profile information.

List of column names to include in the "order by" SQL clause. It is the default sort option. 

Name of driving table for the component. 

Name of the table to store comments for this component. This table can be shared between components. 

Name of the user table which should have the following columns "ID", "login", and "password". This property is only used if splogin is not set. 

SQL where clause to limit the dataset manipulated, must use the alias "T" for the driving table. 
Example: dbwhere="T.publish=1"

Plural for entity. Default value = "items". 

User's object name for the database object (for example: "contact" for the AddressBook application). Default value = "item".

Filename of the component icon (same one for all records).
Example: icon ="memo.gif"

Name and parameters of the stored procedure for deleting records (or flagging them as deleted).
Example: spdelete="DeleteToDo @itemid" or spdelete="DeleteToDo @itemid, @userid"

Name and parameters of the stored procedure for loading a specific record.
Example: spget="GetToDo @itemid" or spget="GetToDo @itemid, @userid"

Name and parameters of the stored procedure for checking users login and password. 
Example: splogin="EvoSP_Login @login, @password"

Name and parameters of the stored procedure for paging search results. 
Example: sppaging="EvoSP_PagedItem @SQLselect, @SQLtable, @SQLfrom, @SQLwhere, @SQLorderby, @pageid, @pagesize"

In addition to the former required elements, Evolutility provides the optional elements panel-details, queries and query, and tab to add functionalities like master-details, cross-references lists, predefined queries, or more page structure.